Winter Fat Biking in Calgary – A Crazy Fun Way to Get Around

Fat tire biking in Sandy Park in winter
Fat tire biking in Sandy Park in winter

Winter fat biking in Calgary is an awesome way to see the city plus it’s kind of crazy and fun. While the thought of bundling up and heading out in the cold may not sound appealing to many, it’s actually something that will make you feel really good mentally and physically.

The trails around Calgary are plowed after a snowfall as are the bike lanes so getting around the city in theory is easy.

I say in theory because winter fat biking In Calgary or anywhere for that matter, takes way more energy than regular biking. The fat tires are big – perhaps four inches across and they’re only inflated to 10 psi. So it’s a workout. And for that reason, even on the coldest of days, overheating is more of a problem than being cold.

You can rent fat bikes from Bow Cycle in Calgary.

Fat biking in Calgary to Sandy Beach on the Elbow River
At Sandy Beach on the Elbow River

I made a spontaneous decision on the evening of December 23rd to reach out to Andrel Reid – the owner of Nomad Mobile Gear Rentals inquiring as to availability of fat bikes for Christmas Eve day. I figured I had the time, conditions were great and I wanted to try something I’d never done before in Calgary. 

Andrel promptly replied, said he had availability and showed up on my doorstep by 10 AM with two fat bikes. His business is renting – and delivering gear, whether it be fat bikes as in our case, road bikes, downhill and cross-country skis, snowshoes and the like.

Andrel from Nomad Gear Rentals delivering a bike to my home
Andrel from Nomad Gear Rentals delivering a bike to my home

We took off from our house with the original intention of biking around Glenmore Reservoir – about a 24 kilometre loop.

But we changed course when we decided to dispatch with some Christmas errands (way easier to do on a bike and no parking hassles) and from there elected to do a wonderful loop that took us through downtown, along the Bow River, up the Elbow River trail to Sandy Beach, then up a big hill to 50th Avenue SW, past our favourite coffee shop (Bell’s) off of 14th Street SW and home.

All told we spent 3.5 hours between biking, errands and a coffee stop. It was an exceptional way to get exercise and spend Christmas Eve.

Winter fat biking in Calgary on the deserted streets downtown on Christmas Eve
Winter fat biking in Calgary on the deserted streets downtown on Christmas Eve

Prince’s Island Park is a great stop when winter fat biking in Calgary

Because we were on fat bikes in Calgary – and in exploring mode we stopped in amazement to look at the sheer number of Canada geese and mallard ducks in one of the lagoons at Prince’s Island Park.

There had to be at least a 1,000 birds. And then we scored big time as a stop at the Sidewalk Citizen Café produced our favourite decadent sticky buns for Christmas breakfast.

Checking out the ponds by Prince's Island Park
Checking out the ponds by Prince’s Island Park
There were easily a 1000 birds in this pond at Prince's Island Park
There were easily a 1,000 birds in this pond at Prince’s Island Park
On Christmas Eve the bike paths in Calgary are empty
On Christmas Eve the bike paths in Calgary are empty
Crazy and Fun: Winter Fat Biking in Calgary
Easy to do errands and stop for coffee when you’re fat biking in Calgary in winter & not fighting for parking spots 
Crazy and Fun: Winter Fat Biking in Calgary
Winter fat biking in Calgary beside the Bow River
Checking out the bison by Fort Calgary
Checking out the bison by Fort Calgary
Winter fat biking in Calgary - heading across the Elbow River in Sandy Beach
Winter fat biking in Calgary – heading across the Elbow River in Sandy Beach
Crazy and Fun: Winter Fat Biking in Calgary
I think we steamed up the windows at Bell’s Cafe when we took our coats off (My ski helmet worked well – as I could fit a buff under it)

Fat bikes are a conversation opener

Winter fat biking in Calgary is also a great conversation starter. Almost everyone will stop and talk to you. Unlike puppies and babies, the best conversation starters I’ve come across, fat bikes aren’t cute but they’re still a novelty.

John and I had chats with numerous strangers; we were given the thumbs up by drivers and repeatedly smiled upon. I’ve never experienced anything quite like it in Calgary.

Go try winter fat biking in Calgary. Rent a bike for a day, grab a map and have fun. 

Further reading on things to do in and near Calgary

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Winter fat biking in Calgary - a fun way to get around

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