unction Sheep Range Provincial Park

Junction Sheep Range Park in the Chilcotin

After leaving Williams Lake and the lovely Juniper Trail B&B was start to drive west along a secondary highway in the direction of Anahim Lake in west central British Columbia. We were on holidays with a different mindset than normal – poking along instead of racing. When the option to detour to Junction Sheep Range Park, presented itself, we took it. The park is less than an hour’s drive west of Williams Lake.

Eroded cliffs along the Chilcotin River
Eroded cliffs along the Chilcotin River
The fast moving Chilcotin River
The fast moving Chilcotin River

What you’ll find in Junction Sheep Range Park

Junction Sheep Range Provincial Park (rather a mouthful of a name) encompasses 4,573 hectares and includes the confluence of the Fraser and Chilcotin Rivers as well as rolling grassland, canyons, gullies, hoodoos, and even a sand dune.

Junction Sheep  Range was formed in 1995 to protect what is considered to be an internationally important herd of California Big Horn Sheep. Unfortunately we didn’t see any – only the snake in the photo below.

Unknown snake type in Junction Sheep Range Provincial Park
Unknown snake type in Junction Sheep Range Provincial Park

I wish we’d had more time because this is great hiking country even if it does routinely hit 40°C in the summer.

Junction Sheep Range also offers up beautiful far reaching views, loads of wildflowers and grass types, birds including prairie falcons, sharp-tailed grouse, long billed curlew, white-throated swifts, and the diminutive flammulated owl. Rubber boas are also around though I was just as happy not to see one.

Looking east along the Chilcotin River in Junction Sheep Range Provincial Park
Looking east along the Chilcotin River
A nice blast of wildflowers beside the Chilcotin River
A nice blast of wildflowers beside the Chilcotin River
Beautiful big skies on the way into Junction Sheep Range Provincial Park
Beautiful big skies on the way into Junction Sheep Range Provincial Park

There’s a long native history too. Archaeological evidence shows humans have been in the area for at least 12,000 years.  The Native people still fish on the Chilcotin River. Fortunately the two we saw fishing took some precautions.

They tied themselves and their nets off before fishing. The Chilcotin is not a river you want to be swept into. They were obviously successful as you can see two large fish on the rocks.

A couple of native fellows fishing in Junction Sheep Range Provincial Park
A couple of native fellows fishing in Junction Sheep Range Park
Fishing success in Junction Sheep Range Park
Fishing success in the park

Watch for logging trucks in the park

The drive to the bottom of the canyon can be a touch dicey and not one you want to do on a rainy day. It’s got to be a few thousand feet down via a series of switchbacks to the bridge on a narrow road you must share with fully laden logging trucks.

Keep your eyes peeled and don’t play chicken with them. It’s only 20 km to the bottom of the canyon from Highway 24. Although the road is gravel, it’s in good condition.

Beware the fully laden logging trucks moving at high speeds
Beware the fully laden logging trucks moving at high speeds

I think if you’re going to be anywhere near Williams Lake then this is a detour worth making.

More beautiful canyon views
More beautiful canyon views

For more information on Junction Sheep Range Provincial Park visit their website.

Further reading on the Chilcotin

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A visit to Junction Sheep Range Park in the Chilcotin

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    1. @Marcia I think the Natives know the waters really well but I was surprised at the size of the fish they hauled out of there. Turns out Interior Whitewater Adventures runs a 5 day rafting trip that goes right through this canyon. I would love to do that.

  1. Fascinating landscape. I didn’t know you had proper snakes in Canada. Do you think it’s poisonous?

    1. @Mette I’m thinking it wasn’t poisonous. There are a few parts of Canada with rattlesnakes and we have lots of non poisonous snakes which I am particularly good at finding – seems I attract them yet I hate snakes.

  2. We were planning to head that way in June but the seemingly endless rain both here and there sent us south into Oregon instead; this makes me think it is time to pull that travel plan back up to the top of the summer list.

    1. @Jackie It’s a very interesting part of the world. It feels remote and driving all the way to Bella Coola on Highway 24 can be an experience. Then you can take the ferries back to Prince Rupert and do a loop.

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