It’s spring again and time for my annual outdoor lover’s spring gear guide. I write one every year to showcase...
I know my outdoor adventures have an impact on the earth’s health. Ditto all my outdoor gear and clothing. But...
December is now within spitting distance so it’s time for my 2023 HikeBikeTravel outdoor lover’s holiday gift guide. I’ve got lots of suggestions from experiences to unique hand warmers, camping gear and some cozy winter wear. All of these products and experiences can be ordered online. I hope you find...
It’s that time of year when the 2023 spring outdoor lover’s gear guide comes out showcasing new products that have...
It’s that time of year already – when I sit down to pull together the annual HikeBikeTravel outdoor lover’s holiday...
My husband tested the Mountain Hardware PCT 70L backpack over seven days on the strenuous La Cloche Silhouette Trail in Ontario’s Killarney Provincial Park. He found it to be very comfortable, easy to pack, and able to carry a large load. Although he tried it on at home, he had...
Looking for the newest gear, perhaps even a high quality waterproof musical instrument or the latest in outdoor clothing? I’ve...
Four Fenix products were provided to me to test. They included two Fenix headlamps – the HM65R (a dual light...
Every spring and fall new products hit the shelves of outdoor stores. Some are completely reimagined products whereas others seemingly showcase the colours that are on trend – which from what I’ve seen this spring are in the peachy or “tea rose” colour category as SmartWool calls it. Spring is...
I’ve been camping now for 30 plus years. Growing up it was all about cottages – but when John and...