Quintessential Georgian Bay scenery

Kayaking Georgian Bay Over a Long Weekend

The magnificent Georgian Bay wilderness in Ontario is home to 30,000 windswept, granite islands, making it an amazing paddling destination. Kayaking around Franklin Island in the Georgian Bay over a weekend will leave you in awe of the rugged beauty of this magnificent, quintessential Canadian wilderness.

The Georgian Bay, sometimes called the “sixth Great Lake”, covers close to 15,000 square kilometres so it’s about 80% of the size of Lake Ontario. As such, it’s capable of generating its own weather, waves and currents.

The Georgian Bay is famous for its winds that blow up out of nowhere – making calm water gnarly and dangerous in a matter of minutes. Kayaking Georgian Bay, while mostly great fun – can become dangerous and difficult in short order – so always keep an eye on the weather, even for an easier kayaking trip like the one around Franklin Island.

The view from Franklin Island
Quintessential Georgian Bay scenery – and the view from Franklin Island
Gorgeous Group of Seven landscape
Gorgeous Group of Seven landscape

Kayaking Georgian Bay – where can you go?

The hardest decision you’ll have to make is where do you want to go kayaking in the Georgian Bay? Time and your paddling ability figure prominently in the equation as does any forecast with wind warnings.

You can launch anywhere between Snug Harbour and Killarney to access the myriad of islands and islets but always have a fall back plan in place. There are islands, particularly the distant out-islands, where you can get wind-bound for days. Be sure to take enough extra food.

Paddling around Franklin Island in the Georgian Bay
We lucked out with super calm water for our paddle around Franklin Island
This is what the Georgian Bay can look like in mid-September
This is what the Georgian Bay can look like in mid-September

Circumnavigation of Franklin Island in the Georgian Bay

If you’re a novice to intermediate paddler then one of the easier three day kayaking trips is a circumnavigation of Franklin Island.

The island, accessible with a launch from Snug Harbour, offers quintessential Georgian Bay scenery – twisted, folded and cooked metamorphic rocks, wind twisted and gnarled white pines, flat slabs of crystalline rock perfect for sunbathing, beaches for swimming and fresh blueberries to pick in season.

There are loads of camping sites and privacy should never be an issue. The actual circumnavigation of Franklin Island should take no more than four or five hours at a relaxed place.

Pulled up on the smooth rocks on Franklin Island
Pulled up on the smooth rocks on Franklin Island

Great kayaking options to extend your Georgian Bay kayaking trip

Experienced paddlers might want to use Franklin Island as a stopping point on the way to or from the Mink Islands in the Georgian Bay. These islands see fewer paddlers but offer plenty of opportunity for exploration. In particular, look for the wreckage of the steamship Seattle that sank in 1903, 300 metres off Green Island.

Adventurous paddlers can continue further and explore the McCoy Group. But you want a good weather window to be kayaking Georgian Bay for that trip!

Early morning fire to warm up
Early morning fire to warm up on Franklin Island
Mist rising off the Georgian Bay at sunrise
Mist rising off the Georgian Bay at sunrise

Useful info for a Georgian Bay kayaking trip

Rentals: Bring your own kayak or rent from White Squall or Killarney Outfitters.

Distance: Its 13 kilometres to circumnavigate Franklin Island in the Georgian Bay by kayak. That doesn’t include the paddle out to the island. The Mink Group is 5 kilometres from the Franklins with an open water crossing. From there you can access the McCoy Islands.

Launch site: Launch for the Franklin Islands from Snug Harbour, located approximately 275 km north of Toronto via Highway 400, Highway 559 and Snug Harbour Road.

Costs: Island camping on crown land is free.

Don’t forget: Marine charts, a weather radio and extra food. Winds can blow up out of nowhere and the paddling conditions can change in minutes. Watch out for rattlesnakes.

Options: There are lots of route possibilities. You could start in Killarney and head for Phillip Edward Island as well as the Fox and Chicken Islands or launch from the Key River Marina and head for the Bustard Islands. Or leave from Britt and head to the Churchill Islands.

Enjoying a campfire and a sunset - in September
Enjoying a campfire and a sunset – in September on a Georgian Bay kayaking trip
Beautiful sunset
Beautiful Georgian Bay sunset from Franklin Island
The wild rocks of Georgian Bay
The wild rocks of Georgian Bay

Further reading on canoe trips

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A 3 day kayaking trip around Franklin Island in the Georgian Bay, Ontario

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  1. Great article! I am just getting into paddling and wanted to know how long a boat I would need for Georgian Bay. I live on Lake Simcoe so that’s where I would be most but would like to see Georgian Bay a few times a year. Is 13 feet long enough?

  2. Thank you! I just returned from a fabulous kayaking trip (my first kayaking trip, with my brother who’s been coming here for 15 years) in the Georgian Bay. I used this website to give everyone an idea of what I was looking forward to. I have only one CAUTION: ONE SHOULD NOT MAKE A CAMPFIRS on these islands. If you make one on the rock, you will shatter the rock; you’ll be your own little environmental catastrophe marring this pristine landscape for a time measured by geologic eras. If you make it in the woods, you may cause a forest fire. From miles away, as we paddled, we watched the immense effort it took to put just a little one out.

  3. The sightseeings are so inviting to come and join the locations. Romantic campfire captured.

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